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Protect Trans Youth National Day of Action – Yorta Yorta Woka | Shepparton

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Protect Trans Youth National Day of Action – Yorta Yorta Woka | Shepparton

Join us to demand the Queensland government overturn its ban on hormone therapy for trans young people and call on them to make gender-affirming care accessible and affordable for everyone who needs it.

💙 Saturday 8 Feb 2025
💖 Yorta Yorta Woka – Shepparton
🤍 All welcome, allies and non-queer folk encouraged to come and show support.
💖 10am
💙 Guest speakers, family friendly sing-a-longs and face painting!
🤍 Bring your pride flags, dress in pink, white and blue, make a sign to share and come along to show support of our local Trans youth!
Location will be confirmed before event. Be sure to keep an eye across social media platforms for updates OR feel free to register for a ticket if you would rather get an email with an update when we know more. Registration is not a requirement to attend.
It matters. Our LGBTIQA+ community includes trans and gender diverse people of all ages. They need our love and support now, more than ever.
“The banning of hormone therapy by Health Minister Tim Nicholls is a politically motivated attack that undermines the right of trans youth to grow up happy, healthy, and with the freedom to be themselves. This affects all of us. Governments cannot be allowed to ban vital, evidence-based healthcare solely on the basis of their political beliefs. By taking to the streets across the country we can pressure the Queensland government to reverse the ban, stop the attacks on trans youth, and protect access to this life-changing and life-saving health care.” – Find out more at: transjustice.org.au

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