Congratulations Cat Holt!
Cat was our Volunteer Coordinator for our OUT in the OPEN Festival in 2024 and did an amazing job! She streamlined our processes, created admin spreadsheets that have since made our work easier, lead volunteers with kindness and compassion, and was an absolute all-rounder for the 2024 festival. On Carnival Day, we barely got any photos of her because she was SO BUSY overseeing our volunteers, and ensuring the day ran smoothly from bump in to bump out, like the absolute star she is!
Congratulations Cat, we could not have made OUT in the OPEN Festival 2024 possible without your dedication, hard work, support and leadership.
Biggest love and gratitude from all of us to you, our 2024 volunteer of the year!!
We invited Cat to answer some questions to share with all of you.
Q. Why do you like volunteering?
A. I like volunteering because it’s a good way to feel part of something bigger than myself, it feels good to be able to contribute and also deepens a sense of community and connection.
Q. What was your favourite part of OITO 2024?
A. My favourite part of OITO 2024 is hard to pick, I really loved the energy and joy that came with working with the volunteers on carnival day, it felt like we were a “well oiled machine”. I am maybe a bit bias but also really loved the sunset awedventure with Find Your Feathers. I think it’s pretty cool how we have a variety of event types from party stuff to nature connection.
Q. Why do volunteers matter to an organisation like GV Pride?
A. Volunteers matter to oragnisations like GV Pride, because it is vastly volunteer run. Events like OITO don’t happen without volunteers, no matter what contribution is made, every volunteer who participates is so valuable to making the experience enjoyable.
Q. What do you do when you are not volunteering?
In my spare time, I mostly enjoying hanging out at home, exploring the local landscape and getting to know the more than human beings that I share this space with. I like to dabble in various crafting activities, muck about in the veggie patch or rewatch a favourite movie.
Q. Any words of wisdom to others looking to volunteer but not sure if they should?
A. In terms of words of wisdom, I would say have a think about what your time and energy capacity is, then go for it! Sometimes I know I’ve held back as I don’t have the ability to do lots of ongoing work, but I do know that I can do short bursts, so something like the OITO committee works well for that. Or maybe it’s coming along as an event volunteer or to a market stall. Even though volunteering means putting in some effort, often you get back more – and a way to influence what happens in your community.
Above Image: Bridget, Georgie and Cat (right) taking a selfie at Carnival Day.
[ID: Three people wearing black volunteer t shirts, dark sunglasses and rainbow lanyards posing for a selfie. They are all smiling. on their tops are logos for the OUT in the OPEN festival and GV Pride. Behind them is the Queens Gardens, where Carnival Day is taking place.]