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GV Pride Hub is currently open a couple of days per week or by appointment. The Pride Hub provides opportunities for LGBTIQA+ people and their allies/supporters to come together for social connection; develop skills in customer service, host and attend events, facilitate regular art and queer culture programs and peer support groups; offer leadership programs and mentoring, movie nights & more.

See the calendar below (at the bottom of this page or click here to download) for the latest updates on this month’s planned events, opening hours* and workshops happening!

Our GV Pride Merchandise and pre-loved quality clothing is on sale or available to swap, including LGBTIQA+ books, rainbow pride items and flags as well as gender-affirming shoes, clothing & some toiletries. The GV Pride Hub also has health promotion items and support resources available and promotes local LGBTIQA+ and ally friendly events and information on our ‘Pride Pulse’ noticeboard.

The GV Pride Hub is the headquarters for OUT in the OPEN Festival, TAG (Trans and gender diverse Advisory Group) and our members/volunteers. Monthly Silver Rainbows Coffee and Conversations meetings for LGBTIQA+ community members 55yrs+ occur on-site too. Events and workshops at varying times/dates will also take place in the Pride Hub, all free!

The program space is now available for use by community groups and individuals to run forums, rehearsals and more. If you are interested in using the space, please email gvpride@gvpride.org for further information.

*Please note: As a volunteer-led venture of GV Pride’s, we can’t always guarantee the Pride Hub will be open the same days or times each week. We do our best to ensure we update our members and visitors of our opening hours, but there may be times when we can’t. We are aiming to include a calendar of opening hours for each month here and on the window of the Hub but also encourage you to check our Facebook and/or Instagram account for the latest updates. We thank you for your understanding.

Where can I find the Pride Hub & what does it look like?

Visit us at Shop 4, 222 Maude Street, Shepparton (under the Telstra Tower in the Arcade). 
Call 0493 442 601 if we’re not around when you visit (or to make an appointment) and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Check out the photograph below, from our official opening night. The graphics and signs on the glass windows can be seen when you are nearby, and we also have an A-frame sign outside the Pride Hub as well. 

Image Description: the top of the image shows a sign within the top window that has a large GV Pride logo on it and reads “Community hub peer-led social support LGBTIQA+ Arts & Culture Pre-loved quality goods Advocacy, NDIS & More!” Below this is a large glass window that you can see through. On the left of the image is a vertical pull up banner in pink with the OUT in the OPEN festival logo and a QR code on it. In the background of the image there are many people standing inside of the space, on a dark carpet, wearing a mixture of colours. People can be seen smiling and talking. There are bright downlights inside the space and there is some reflection on the window that can be seen in the photo.

Accessibility Information:

  • There are table and chairs inside, as well as a couch and bean bags inside, so plenty of space to relax and sit whilst visiting.
  • There is free tea and coffee onsite, so you can come in and and enjoy a cuppa and chat to a volunteer.
  • A large TV occasionally has movies or shows playing on it. A small speaker system sometimes plays music. Both of these can be adjusted to support your needs.
  • There are blinds that can be put up or down on the front facing windows, but not the glass door. Lighting can be minimally adjusted inside of the space, please advise of your needs. 
  • Inside you can: enjoy the big screen, participate in some art activities, or come in to grab what you need.
  • We do not have bathroom facilities on site, however there are gendered public toilets within one-minute of the space.
  • Our space is wheelchair accessible.
  • Assistance animals are welcome within our space.

What’s on this month’s calendar?