TESTme is a service of Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC) which is a part of Alfred Health. MSHC was established in 1917 and has now been operating for more than 90 years as a specialised unit for the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). MSHC has established a national and international reputation for clinical excellence, research, education and innovation.
TESTme has been developed by staff at MSHC in response to the increasing STI rates in Victoria and the difficulty some people have accessing sexual health services in regional/rural Victoria. Research shows people living in rural Victoria have lower rates of STI testing than people who live in Melbourne.
TESTme aims to provide a service that is easy to use, free and confidential.
TESTme started as a 12 month pilot project funded by the Victorian Department of Health. It has now become an important part of MSHC services.
Visit the website here for more information.