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Art Competition | Get involved!

Draw, photograph, paint or digitally create your favourite or most memorable LGBTIQA+ moment!

β€œThese are the days of out lives” is our Festival theme for 2023 and we want you to create a piece that means something to you. This could be the day you got married, the day you started HRT, the day you came out, the day same-sex marriage was legalised, or anything else that made you feel proud, happy and safe. 💖🌈

More information on the competition:

  • There are 3 different age brackets for the competition: under 11 year-olds, 12-17 year-olds and anyone 18+.
  • Prizes to include rainbow merchandise bundles for the two lower age categories alongside 2 winners from the 18+ category that will receive a festival pass for 1 weekend of the festival.
  • All the submissions will be on display during Carnival Day on November 18th in the Queens Gardens.
  • The art competition will be open for submissions from Oct 1st to Oct 31st and the winner will be announced on Friday 3rd November (the week before the OUTintheOPEN Festival starts).

How to Enter:

  • Take a photo of your submission and send it via email to ruby@outintheopen.org.au with your name, pronouns and age.
  • Please include a a short explanation of what the image depicts.
  • If you would prefer that your artwork is not displayed on Carnival Day, please let us know.
  • If you are sending a submission on behalf of a family member who is underage, please let us know their name, pronouns and age of that person.

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