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Flood the Post – Protect Trans Youth Shepparton

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Flood the Post – Protect Trans Youth Shepparton

Continuing on from our community led initiative, the Protect Trans Youth Rally held on Yorta Yorta Woka on Saturday 8th February, our community invite YOU to come together for the next wave of action and help us to ‘Flood the Post’ on February 28th!

💙 💖 🤍 💖 💙
There are two events happening across the GV!
– Shepparton on Tuesday 25th – GV Pride Hub
– Nathalia on Thursday 27th – G.R.A.I.N. Store
We will be coming together for a crafter-noon, creating and writing on postcards that will be sent in the mail by us on Friday 28th
Feb – to ‘flood the post’ alongside others leading events across the country who will be doing the same!
Why? Join with thousands of people across the country as we flood Health Minister Tim Nicholls with mail and creative artworks. Together, we will call on him to reinstate trans youth health care and make gender-affirming care accessible and affordable for everyone who needs it. From drawings, to painting, upcycled artworks, and knitted creations – the only limit is your imagination [and what will fit in the post].
What is the plan?
– Make postcards with us!
– Draw, write, create and help us make as many postcards as we can to be mailed off later in the week.

Here are the details – Shepparton!

  • Tuesday 25th February
  • 5.00pm – 7.00pm
  • GV Pride Hub, Shop 4/222 Maude Street Mall
  • Please RSVP HERE.

Event & Ticketing details


Dates & Times


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