Return-bus-tour departing out front GV Library, Marungi St, Shepparton 7.30AM travelling across the regions (earlier departure from Echuca 6.30AM and later from Wangaratta 9.00AM pending bookings).
Approx. schedule (TBC)
6.30 Depart Echuca
7.30 Depart Shepp Library
9.00 Depart Wangaratta
10.30 Visit a variety of wine, cheese, whisky (& more) makers in the Rutherglen region.
1.30 Lunch at Corowa Whisky (Optional $10 tour – pay on the day)
2.30 Visit a variety of wine, cheese, whisky (& more) makers in the Rutherglen region.
5.00 return approx. to Wang
6.15 return approx. to Shepp Library
7.15 return approx. to Echuca
GV Pride Member $35
Non-Member $50 (includes GV Pride membership)
Concession $30