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OUTintheOPEN is Shepparton’s newest Festival celebrating community diversity. Carnival Day is our BIG event! Come and play with us in the park at Queen’s Gardens on Saturday 15 November from 10.30am – 4.00pm (cnr. Wyndham & Nixon Streets, Shepparton). Wander through the stalls and markets; savour the smells and tastes of fresh local produce. There’s music, entertainment, food & info galore. Bring your friends, family and loved ones and don’t forget your picnic blanket! Also, please keep in mind as you plan for the day, that Carnival Day has a no glass policy. Check out the Art Show while the kids bounce on the jumping castle! FREE family fun for everyone!!
Stallholder applications for Carnival Day are now CLOSED! Find the stallholder map here (pg. 1), and a full list of stallholders here (pg. 2).
Carnival Day is Sat 15 Nov 2014 – download, complete and return your registration form with payment NOW to secure your site!
Check out last year’s Carnival Day below…
Vanessa Wagner (Emcee)
Vanessa Wagner is one of Australia’s most colourful and entertaining identities. She started as a dedicated housewife and part time hostess.Vanessa was crowned Sydney Mardi GrasMiss Fair Day 1993. For seven years she coordinated and hosted the spectacularly successful Drag Race Meet at Bondi Beach for the Sydney Fringe Festival.
She Co-hosted the Sydney Mardi Gras Parade telecasts on Channel Ten for 5 years. She also had a regular appearance as talk back host, on national youth radio station Triple J. Vanessa’s intelligent, opinionated and funny repartee is a sure crowd pleaser. She was the most colourful and loved entrant in Celebrity Big Brother, With a myriad of corporate speaking & charity works across Australia and “Pin up Girl” for Ozemail Vanessa has proved her flexibility and has cemented her position as a lovable Australian icon.
JoJo Smith
JoJo Smith is an inspirational performer who takes her audiences on a lyrical, musically diverse journey of blues, soul, funk, R&B, latin and jazz.
Her own songs are a tour de force and along with a unique interpretation of a small, select group of covers, JoJo’s status as one of Australia’s finest singer/songwriters is confirmed.
If you haven’t heard Jo Jo Smith sing yet, you’ve been missing out on one of life’s true joys and shouldn’t waste another minute!
To her fans she is one of Australia’s greatest treasures, a wonderful artist who has them yearning for each next album or live performance, offering a fresh uniqueness in sound and composition yet bringing to mind some of the world’s most respected singers and songwriters,the likes of Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt, Etta James, Norah Jones. Not suggesting she sounds like them, Jo Jo sounds like Jo Jo, but like them, she certainly delivers on many levels, vocally, lyrically and instrumentally.
Michael Yule
“MY Band” is the rock and roll vision of Singer/Songwriter & Front-man Michael Yule!
Understanding that it takes more than a catchy hook to captivate an audience, MY Band combine powerful melodies and rocking riffs with an unbelievable stage show, wowing audiences with their huge sound, crowd participation, and wild stage antics.
Completing the “MY Band” Trio is the backbone of the band, Stuart Jaymes on Drums, and Russell Murchie on Bass.
In a sentence: ‘Memorable songs, and an unforgettable performance!’
Abandoned Elevator all started back in mid 2013 when Aaron Hocking (Guitarist of Hurt But Hopeful & Naruscae) witnessed Past Present’s (Cameron and Bailey Slade’s punk band) performance at Battle Of The Bands, they then started to jam late 2013.
In 2014 Abandoned Elevator acquired a keyboard and backing vocalist in Bailey Ciavarella, a good friend of Aaron’s and Cameron’s. Being two Bailey’s in the band made it confusing therefore they used nicknames; Bailey “Trucks” Ciavarella and Bailey “Junior” Slade
In April 2014, Michael Serra (Guitarist of Mother Dearest and Guitarist/Vocalist of Six Ate) was given an offer to join the band as a lead vocalist, mainly due to the struggles of vocals and lyrics being put to songs, and Aaron & Trucks found it difficult to sing while playing their instruments. He gladly accepted the offer.
Drawing influences from bands such as The Arctic Monkeys, The Bennies, JET and The Black Keys, Abandoned Elevator typically make songs with Indie Rock and Rock ‘N’ Roll sounds.
The Melbourne Rainbow Band is a Gay and Lesbian community concert band. We began in 1995, and currently have around 40 members drawn from the GLBTI and straight communities. We are a non-profit community group.
Our members’ musical skill levels vary from beginner to professional and our members are gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, old, young, male, female, whomever, whatever – as long as they are accepting, tolerant, and love music! The MRB does not hold auditions for members and is open to all players with basic music reading and playing abilities.
Our repertoire is as diverse as our members. We play music from movies, musicals and TV, pop, rock, jazz, classical and everything in between.
We have regular performances each year, including the Joy94.9’s Picnic in the Park, and Carols by Queerlight with the MGLC. Generally we also perform two ticketed showcase concerts each year, along with various community and private performances.
Though we are primarily a sit-down concert band, each Summer we take to the streets as a marching band. We have marched in Melbourne’s Pride March every year since we began, and in recent years have also marched in the Australia Day Parade, Moomba Parade, Daylesford ChillOut Parade and the Sydney Mardi Gras Parade.
Elements of pop, rock and roots with hints of reggae and punk combine to create the sound of The Murks. Named after their hometown “nuMURKah,” the band rehearse at Squish’s house, and started out by hosting regular Numurkah Singers’ Open Mic Sessions.
Kim Carter (vocals), Squish Davis (drums), Joel Toohey (bass), Tim Watson (guitar), Beno Wright (guitar/vocals)
Murky History…
It so happened that in May 2011, Kim, Squish and Jamie were performing in a production of Godspell. Incidentally, Tim was operating the sound gear for that production.
As it turned out, Tim and Kim had been in a covers band that had disbanded earlier in the year. They wanted to keep playing music together but needed a bass player and a drummer. Coincidently, Tim’s friend Jamie was a talented musician and songwriter who played bass. Parallel to this, Kim knew Squish could play many instruments including drums. In fact, they had played together in an all-girl band called “The Conniptions” some years before. In an unrelated incident Jamie once slept on Squish’s couch sometime in 2008 after playing a game of miniature golf in her lounge room.
In other words, Kim, Tim, Squish and Jamie all kind of knew each other and decided to form a band.
In 2013, Jamie moved to Melbourne and the remaining Murks recruited the multi-talented Grant Hicks as their new bass player. Grant left the band after a few months to focus on fatherhood while Kim, Tim and Squish continued rehearsing and working as a 3-piece.
The addition of two new members to the band at the beginning of 2014, has meant more energy, a bigger sound and gorgeous harmonies.
Daniel Reeves and Band
Daniel Reeves is a talented singer songwriter with a passion for melody and a taste for life. Many of his songs translate into tales of hope and glory, characterised in a positive spirit and passion for the human journey. They take you on a lyrical ride through the
struggles of everyday events to a more uplifting and gratifying place of understanding and realisation. His pro-active approach to music and life translates through his words and melodies and is mirrored in his live and energetic performances.
Growing up in a small country town with plenty of time to dream, Daniel soon realised his passion for creation and self-expression through music. Often inspired by people’s stories, music became a way to connect and express what was happening in his surrounds.
Throughout his musical years Daniel has played the likes of The HiFi Bar, toured New Zealand in 2009, shared bills with Amanda Palmer (Dresden Dolls) and Stonefield, along with performing in many regional Victoria locations. Including interviews and radio play on Triple R, Cairns FM, ONE FM, live performances on ABC radio as well as having his film clips played on RAGE.
Lola’s is bringing the fun & sexy sport of pole dancing to Shepparton!
Classes ranging from beginners to advanced will be running weekly, with great deals for those who pre-purchase an eight week course at theirchosen level.
Lola’s encourages girls to come along who would be excited at the proposal of a new found way of keeping fit, in losing weight, building corestability and strength, increasing self-esteem and just to have a good time.
The dance studio is dedicated to helping women build self-confidence and self-esteem as they discover the beauty, grace, mental and physical health benefits of pole dancing.
The dance studio will be available for woman in particular, mothers groups, hen’s parties, fitness groups, social groups or just for those woman who want to try something new.
Aquamoves – Sh’Bam
A dance-inspired workout with simple choreography. It’s a moderate intensity, full-body cardio exercise, burning up to 600 calories while toning and shaping, improving coordination and self-expression. A perfect way to shape up and let out your inner star – even if dance isn’t your natural thing.
Click here to view the full list of stallholders (pg. 2) and the stallholder map (pg. 1).
The following stallholders are confirmed:
Victoria Police – GLLO unit/information sharing (roving police present)
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre – The Wulumperi Aboriginal Unit supports Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people with sexual and reproductive health education and provides support with sexual health tests.
Gay & Lesbian Immigration Task Force – GLITF provides support and assistance, through it’s pro bono registered migration advisors, to the non-resident partner of an individual who is on Australian Citizenship, or Permanent Resident.
OUTintheOPEN Festival – Info Tent & Colouring Competition Display
The Australian Greens – The Victorian Election is on November 29, 2014. The Greens are the only party you can depend on to tackle the big issues.
KE Emporium – home baked, retro style, catering for sugar free & gluten free, no preservatives, biscuits and slices.
GV Library – Shepparton Library provides books, ebooks, DVDs, magazines and more for loan to the public. It also provides free internet access. Membership and borrowing is free.
CATHRINE ROSE ~ Internationally Certified Psychic Medium – Creating spiritual awareness through insightful private readings, platform events and ‘At Home With Spirit’ parties. Book Now.
Primary Care Connect – community health service
Kelly’s Smells – soy candles, rainbow candles and products. Crafts.
Diversity Group / Kildonan UnitingCare – social support group for 12-25yr old same sex attracted, sex and gender diverse young people.
Melbourne Rainbow Band – We provide an environment free of prejudice and discrimination for people to develop their musical abilities and promote GLBTI to the straight community.
headspace Shepparton – Are you 12-25? Need someone to talk to? headspace is for YOU. Come down and see US at 129 High Street, Shepparton. WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK.
Community Health @ GV Health – Health promotion – women’s sexual and reproductive health.
Amnesty International – Defending and promoting human rights
Relationships Australia Victoria – committed to providing high quality and comprehensive services that assist families and children to overcome challenges, grow and thrive.
Australian Equality Party – A new voice in Australian politics for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and intersex people.
minus18 – A youth led service that supports same sex attracted and gender diverse youth through events, resources and forums.
Kaleidoscope Books – Specialize in bilingual picture story books and books for early childhood family and cultural diversity and disability.
The Bridge Youth Service – A local organisation that works specifically with young people 12-25 & their families. We value the support of the community & other organisations to ensure the best outcomes for young people.
Dreamworks Jumping Castles (Tinkerbell) – We are a local family owned and operated business providing jumping castle fun for all occasions right here in the Goulburn Valley.
GV Pride / PFLAG Shepparton – Greater Shepparton’s LGBTI social group / Parents, Friends & Family of Lesbian And Gay people support group meeting regularly in Shepparton.
Roger’s Clutter (2nd hand books) – Sell second-hand books at markets. Also buy books.
GV Health – ACT-BELONG-COMMIT is a community-based campaign that encourages people to take action to keep mentally healthy.
Sunglasses & Hats – Sunglasses, hand made craft items, socks.
Buttons ‘n’ More – Buttons & craft; jewelery.
Faydra Blends Handmade Candles & Soaps – I make pillar and soy candles and generally sell to local stores and do the odd market.
JOY 94.9 – An independent voice for the diverse lesbian and gay communities listened to by 329,000 people in Melbourne and more online. Access podcasts, blogs and listen online to award winning music & talk, news & current affairs, arts & cultural programs.
Flashy Bits – Light up novelties, gay figurines, pet prints, bubble guns and pet print bags
MI Fellowship – Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria works to create better lives for people with mental illness and their families through a range of community based rehabilitation programs
Living Positive Victoria – Will be promoting the ENUF campaign (enuf.org.au).
Envy Jewellery – fine jewellery and memory lockets.
Candle Maker (Kelly) – I make pillar and soy candles and generally sell to local stores and do the odd market.
Creata Direct / Tupperware / Nutrimetics – handbags, educational toys, make up, skincare, kitchen storage, picnicware.
St. John’s Ambulance – Australia’s leading provider of first aid services, training and equipment and is a trusted brand with over 130 years of experience.
WirraMirra Too Petting Zoo – We have baby goats, baby lambs, baby alpaca, mini pig, dwarf mini pony, bunnies, ducklings, chickens and we do markets, aged care, schools, birthday parties, etc. We have a 9m x 3m enclosure but can make it to fit your requirements, under-cover and on tarps so can be put anywhere.
Chef’s Toolbox – Non-stick cookware, bakeware & accessories; quality kitchen knives. Gluten-free no MSG spice & herb blends – Gourmet Morsels range. Toscana Certified organic olive oil with flavour infusions and finishing vinegars too!
PartyLite – Scented candles and accessories. Melts warmers and smartscent sticks.
Chris’ Quality DVDs – Selling quality used DVDs (and possibly selling snow cones – to be confirmed)
Elite Events Party Hire (Sumo Suits) – We have fairy floss/popcorn machines, all high quality and well presented. Also kids and adults sumo suits available.
The following food vendors are confirmed:
Vietnam Food House – Authentic Cuisine inc. vegan, gluten free (all dishes egg and dairy free)
Shepparton Lions Club BBQ – not for profit volunteer service club – catering BBQs for the community
Café Buzz Box Coffee – Café Buzz cater for all types of coffees, teas, hot choc, chais, milkshakes, iced coffee and choc. Homemade truffles, muffins, banana bread, cakes and slices. As well as hotdogs, steamed dim sims and fried chips.
La Crepe Downunder – At La Crepe we cater for sweet and savoury crepes and gluten free crepes. Our savoury crepes are gluten free, made from buckwheat flour. We have an extensive menu, we love what we do and have a friendly team. Egg and bacon rolls too.
Flamin’ Woodfired Pizza – We are a wood fired pizza oven. We prep & cook pizzas onsite.
Rick the Hotdog Man – Mobile food van serving hot food (hotdogs, chips, potato cakes, dim sims, hot jam doughnuts, etc.), drinks, soft serve ice-cream.
Karen’s Baked Potatoes – includes gluten free options
This event is part of the Out in the Open Festival.